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Fresh Thoughts For Spring

While Spring is inching ever closer, we start to think about all the things we want to have done when winter lets go of its grip on the landscape.

FAQs on Operating During COVID-19

G.P. Harris Construction is here for you. We are offering all of our services while taking precautionary measures to ensure everyone’s safety.

And to All a Good Night

Every year it happens. Somehow Labor Day reflections become “I can’t believe it’s Christmas already”. I hope that in this season of Hope and Joy you all make time to visit with your loved ones.  Let us focus on the really important parts of life that are not material and can’t be bought or replaced on a whim. In my half-century on this Earth, I’ve learned that most families are dysfunctional if you know them well enough. If we can accept that we are all different and still value each other, what a wonderful world it would be.


As we wrap up our 17th year in business I can’t help but feel truly blessed. I’ve met countless individuals that I think about often. Our goal is always to provide a solution to the problem, but it is never quite that simple. Renovating your home to make it fit your needs and desires is usually a journey. We enjoy working through the process with our clients. Along the way, we develop relationships that are deeper than simply fixing a simple problem.  Whether your challenge feels overwhelming or straight forward, we look forward to guiding you through your next renovation project.


Merry Christmas

Greg Harris